2025 | Teaduspark TehnopolGraphicDigitalWebsiteBranding

Accelerate Estonia

A brand and website renewal that supports innovation

Accelerate Estonia operates where there is a gap between legislation and progress. To drive faster solutions, the Accelerate programme approaches change from the private sector’s perspective, tackling regulatory barriers that hinder innovative business models.

Innovation thrives when the foundation is solid

Accelerate Estonia develops practical recommendations for both the Estonian government and the public sector, fostering innovation, economic growth, and, ultimately, societal well-being.

To better support others, they needed a refresh themselves:

  • An updated style guide and more user-friendly brand tools, including a comprehensive brand manual

  • A redesigned and fully developed website—not just with a fresh look but also with clear, intuitive navigation for users.

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  • Keiu Grossberg Brand designer
  • Grete Hints UX/UI designer
  • Vahur Vogt Developer
  • Hanna Reinkort Producer