From 24th to 29th of August 2020, Estonia’s leading strategic design agency Velvet is doing its first workshop for Japanese students and company personnel on study leave.
Combining our knowledge of design and how Estonia has worked on designing solutions for e-governance, we are launching an intense, week-long training program in Tallinn.
到着日にプロジェクトチームがお出迎えし、宿泊施設とワークショップの場所-Telliskivi Creative Cityをご案内します。夕方には、地元のプロジェクトパートナーとの歓迎夕食会を開催し、翌日からのワークショップの概要を説明します。
場所: Telliskivi Creative City
8月24日 月曜日
ツールボックス: Why-What-Howマッピング、5つのWhy、目標設定、Time Machine、状況に応じた専門家のインタビューなど
アドバイザー: 戦略デザイナー
場所: The Void and Velvet Design Agency, Telliskivi Creative City + エストニアの電子政策の概要が学べる政府機関の訪問
8月25日 火曜日
ツールボックス: インタビュー、観察、サービスサファリ、ユーザープロファイル、ヒーロープロファイル、ユーザージャーニーマップ、アフィニティダイアグラム分析など
アドバイザー: ユーザーリサーチャー
場所: 実地調査, The Void + 政府イノベーションチームの訪問
8月26日 水曜日
ツールボックス: サービスブループリントマップ、ブレーンストーミングテクニック、Crazy-8、メモと投票、シナリオ作成
アドバイザー: サービスデザイナー
場所: The Void + エストニア美術大学の訪問
8月27日 木曜日
スプリントの4日目は、サービスタッチポイントの物理的、および(または)、デジタルプロトタイプの構築と、アイデアをテストし、実際のユーザーが提供するフィードバックから迅速に学習することを目的とした経験に焦点を当てています。チームは、プロトタイプのニーズに応じて材料とツールを選択します。目的は、理解しやすいMinimum Viable Serviceプロトタイプを迅速に、コスト効率よく、効果的に構築して、どのアイデアが生き残り、どのコンセプトがサービスコンセプトで洗練される必要があるかを学ぶことです。
ツールボックス: ラピッドプロトタイピング
アドバイザー: サービスデザイナー、実験者or Tinkerer
場所: The Void + タリン工科大学のインキュベーション施設Mektoryの訪問
8月28日 金曜日
ツールボックス: ビデオストリーミング、迅速な分析、ストーリーテリング、ピッチング
アドバイザー: サービスデザイナー
場所: The Void + Lift99とスタートアップコミュニティの訪問
8月29日 土曜日
場所: Velvet Design Agency
プログラムへの参加費: 220,000円*
場所: 北欧、バルト三国、東ヨーロッパ
人口: 約130万人
言語: エストニア語
通過: ユーロ
Day of arrival (23.08)
You will be greeted by the project team on the day of arrival and taken to area of accommodation and the workshop – The Telliskivi Creative City. In the evening you will have a welcome dinner with locals project partners and an overview of the week ahead.
Location: Telliskivi Creative City
First day of the sprint is aimed at getting to know the topic at hand from different perspectives to get a rich understanding of the problems and opportunities at hand. Through collaboration with stakeholders, systemic thinking and analysis, the team will define the area of focus.
Toolbox: Why-What-How mapping, 5 Why-s, Goalsetting, Time Machine, contextual expert interviews, etc.
Advisor: Strategic designer
Location: The Void and Velvet Design Agency, Telliskivi Creative City + Visiting E-Showroom
The second day of the sprint is focused on understanding the users. The team will get to know user’s desires, needs and problem points throug user research in the field. The research tasks will be divided within a team. After the fieldwork the team maps the results and creates user profiles and user journey maps. Through the analysis of user research and contextual research the team defines the service touchpoints that need to be designed.
Toolbox: Interviews, Observation, Service Safari, User profiles, Hero profiles, User journey map, Affinity diagram analysis, etc.
Advisor: User researcher
Location: At the field, The Void + Visiting Governent innovation team
Third day of the sprint focused on building the new service concept and designing the touchpoints of the service. In the development process each team member applies variety of ideation methods, visual communication tools and pitching techniques.
Toolbox: Service blueprint map, Brainstorming techniques, Crazy-8’s, Note-and-vote, Scenario building
Advisor: Service Designer
Location: The Void + Visiting Estonian Academy of Arts
Fourth day of the sprint focuses on building a physical and/or digital prototype of the service touchpoints and experience with the aims to test the ideas and learn quickly from the feedback provided by real users. The team chooses materials and tools according to the needs of the prototype. The aims is to build a understandable Minimum Viable Service prototype quickly, cost-efficiently and effectively in order to learn about which ideas will survive and which need to be refined in the service concept.
Toolbox: Rapid prototyping
Advisor: Service Designer, Experimenter or Tinkerer
Location: The Void + Visiting TalTech Mektory
Fifth and the last day of the sprint is for testing, learning and pitching the service concept. The team carries out the testing of the service concept and ideas on real users and captures the learnings. After a rapid mapping and analysis of the results the team creates a presentation of the service concept in a pitch format and presents performs it to a larger audience.
Toolbox: Video-streaming, rapid analysis, storytelling, pitching
Advisor: Service designer
Location: The Void + Visiting Lift 99 Startup community
After an intensive week of learning and working the team will spend a half a day in the beautiful Estonian nature or take a guided tour in unique Tallinn Old Town. In the second half of the day the team will have a chance to celebrate the achievements of the week and better connect with the team of Velvet, participants of the program and wider group of Estonians in an unformal party.
Location: Velvet
Day of departure(30.08)
On the day of departure the team will be transfered back to the airport by the team guide.
Participation in the program 200 000 YEN*
*Includes participation in a week-long program, accommodation, breakfast and lunch.Flight tickets and dinners are not included in the fee.
Ask for more information at hello@velvet-japan.jp on finding the best prices and payment options.
General Info:
Location: Nordic, Baltic, East EuropePopulation: 1.3 million
Language: Estonian
Currency: Euro
Part of EU, NATO
Read more about e-Estonia in japanese from this link.
More facts about Estonia in general from here.